Jelq exercises can increase the length and the thickness of your penis. Done incorrectly, they can cause bruising and injuries to the blood vessels of your penis. So, let’s give some thought to jelqing safety.
Always remember to warm up your penis with a warm cloth as your penis enlargement exercise program directs. And do not forget to do the same thing after your exercises. This is just as important as warm up and cool down in any physical exercise program, and just as vital in preventing injury.
Use a recommended lubricant before you begin your penis enlargement exercises. For jelqing safety, you want your hands to move smoothly along the shaft. You do not want to bruise or tear the skin of your penis.
The best way to ensure safety of jelqing exercises is to gain access to a professional online program. The best programs will provide you with masses of information, including videos and photos so that you can be no doubt you are performing the exercises with maximum effectiveness and safety. Click here to learn more.
Be careful about the strength of your grip around the base of your penis. When you are jelqing safely, blood will flow into your penis, but your grip on the base will inhibit the blood from flowing back out. But you do need to allow some blood to circulate.
Some men think that if a firm grim and firm hand movements are good, then a very tight grip and harsh hand movements must be even better. Not so! For jelqing safety, be firm, but not too firm.
Jelqing safety means performing the exercises in a way that may cause some discomfort, especially at first. But you should not cause injury. If you feel real pain, stop exercising until the pain is gone. If you see red spots or bruises, stop exercising for a while.
Most men have questions about jelqing safety when they begin a penis enlargement exercise program. Ask your help line advisor or use a forum to find the answers you need.
Always remember to warm up your penis with a warm cloth as your penis enlargement exercise program directs. And do not forget to do the same thing after your exercises. This is just as important as warm up and cool down in any physical exercise program, and just as vital in preventing injury.
Use a recommended lubricant before you begin your penis enlargement exercises. For jelqing safety, you want your hands to move smoothly along the shaft. You do not want to bruise or tear the skin of your penis.
The best way to ensure safety of jelqing exercises is to gain access to a professional online program. The best programs will provide you with masses of information, including videos and photos so that you can be no doubt you are performing the exercises with maximum effectiveness and safety. Click here to learn more.
Be careful about the strength of your grip around the base of your penis. When you are jelqing safely, blood will flow into your penis, but your grip on the base will inhibit the blood from flowing back out. But you do need to allow some blood to circulate.
Some men think that if a firm grim and firm hand movements are good, then a very tight grip and harsh hand movements must be even better. Not so! For jelqing safety, be firm, but not too firm.
Jelqing safety means performing the exercises in a way that may cause some discomfort, especially at first. But you should not cause injury. If you feel real pain, stop exercising until the pain is gone. If you see red spots or bruises, stop exercising for a while.
Most men have questions about jelqing safety when they begin a penis enlargement exercise program. Ask your help line advisor or use a forum to find the answers you need.