I think that the top three mysteries of our age are: “Is there life on Mars?”, “Who built the pyramids?” and “What is the average male genital size?”. And I’m pretty sure that most guys wonder about penis size far more often than about the pyramids or little green creatures from Mars carrying oversized blasters.
But that’s life and there’s nothing wrong with a normal concern regarding your own size and what effect it may have on attractive members of the opposite sex. Knowledge is power and you need to know the facts in order to get the accurate picture.
The first thing you need to know is that even after a whole history of interest in genitals and sex we still don’t know for sure what the average male genital size is. It’s pretty strange to think that such a simple issue is still unsolved to this day, but the fact is that this issue is anything but simple.
In recent years, various researchers have announced the results of a number of studies on penis size, but no two studies can agree on the average size so we’re really still at square one. The biggest problem when conducting such a study lies with the measuring technique.
Men’s magazines and lazy researchers simply ask men to measure their penises and mail the results. This is plainly a mistake since there is no way of knowing whether the measurements are accurate or not and it’s also pretty easy to figure out that a lot of men are going to lie and give themselves a bigger penis.
Therefore, any study based on self_measuring is more than a little suspect and should not be trusted. Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, properly conducted studies are just as confusing and not really able to throw some light on the issue.
Three different studies, conducted by the Journal of Urology, the International Journal of Impotence Research and by LifeStyles Condoms, resulted in three different average sizes. Penis size was measured by staff members of the three institutions instead of being left to the subjects themselves, but apparently this is not enough to ensure consistent results.
The three average length sizes reported by the studies are 12.9 cm (5.08 in), 13.6 cm (5.35 in) and 14.9 cm (5.9 in). As you can see, we’re talking about nearly an inch difference between the lowest and highest values, which is quite a lot.
The bottom line is that scientists have yet to pin down the exact average size and it looks like this isn’t going to happen any time soon. Studies on penis size cannot be trusted at this moment because a lot of men are embarrassed with their size and they won’t come out and be measured. Their reluctance to take part in studies distorts the final results and makes the average male genital size appear bigger than it actually is. But whatever your size is, don’t be ashamed of it because even a small penis can be made bigger.
The PenisHealth program has been shown by thousands of men to help add as much as 3 inches to penis girth and length size whilst also contributing to improved sexual stamina and confidence.
But that’s life and there’s nothing wrong with a normal concern regarding your own size and what effect it may have on attractive members of the opposite sex. Knowledge is power and you need to know the facts in order to get the accurate picture.
The first thing you need to know is that even after a whole history of interest in genitals and sex we still don’t know for sure what the average male genital size is. It’s pretty strange to think that such a simple issue is still unsolved to this day, but the fact is that this issue is anything but simple.
In recent years, various researchers have announced the results of a number of studies on penis size, but no two studies can agree on the average size so we’re really still at square one. The biggest problem when conducting such a study lies with the measuring technique.
Men’s magazines and lazy researchers simply ask men to measure their penises and mail the results. This is plainly a mistake since there is no way of knowing whether the measurements are accurate or not and it’s also pretty easy to figure out that a lot of men are going to lie and give themselves a bigger penis.
Therefore, any study based on self_measuring is more than a little suspect and should not be trusted. Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, properly conducted studies are just as confusing and not really able to throw some light on the issue.
Three different studies, conducted by the Journal of Urology, the International Journal of Impotence Research and by LifeStyles Condoms, resulted in three different average sizes. Penis size was measured by staff members of the three institutions instead of being left to the subjects themselves, but apparently this is not enough to ensure consistent results.
The three average length sizes reported by the studies are 12.9 cm (5.08 in), 13.6 cm (5.35 in) and 14.9 cm (5.9 in). As you can see, we’re talking about nearly an inch difference between the lowest and highest values, which is quite a lot.
The bottom line is that scientists have yet to pin down the exact average size and it looks like this isn’t going to happen any time soon. Studies on penis size cannot be trusted at this moment because a lot of men are embarrassed with their size and they won’t come out and be measured. Their reluctance to take part in studies distorts the final results and makes the average male genital size appear bigger than it actually is. But whatever your size is, don’t be ashamed of it because even a small penis can be made bigger.
The PenisHealth program has been shown by thousands of men to help add as much as 3 inches to penis girth and length size whilst also contributing to improved sexual stamina and confidence.